Thursday, June 26, 2014

Team USA Inspired Cupcakes

This week I was at a complete loss at what to bake for work. I honestly wasn't sure if I was going to make anything (especially since half of my kitchen is packed up for our impending move). After talking with a coworker, she suggest I do simple plain cupcakes with plain icing and use red, white, and blue.

Now. Plain cupcakes with plain icing aren't quite my style, even if I marble the cupcake to make it red and blue swirls. So I took the red, white, and blue as inspiration and put my own twist on it.

I made red velvet (from scratch) cupcakes. I filled them with homemade marshmallow fluff (it's absolutely fantastic, probably the best thing I've ever tried) and topped them with blue and white buttercream frosting.

The cake was awesome, as was the filling. My buttercream icing was practically melting in my hands (my kitchen was a little warm), so it wasn't piping out as stiff as I liked (a couple cupcakes had the icing melt right we ate those), but once they were refrigerated, it stiffened up and worked out well.

So Patriotic!

The missing section is where the melted icing ones were.
Then the boy and I ate them.
Note: I have this silly tendency to overfill my cupcake tins so my cupcakes end up a little taller/wider than I'd like...oops

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